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About Marina
Welcome to my site!
My mission is to raise and merge frequencies in alignment with the higher consciousness and to facilitate the empowerment, enlightenment and awakening of human beings to their best possible selves.
As a psychic and intuitive, I have been on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal development myself.
I studied many ancient and timeless spiritual traditions, spiritual texts, metaphysics, astrology, shamanism, yoga, meditation practices, energy medicine, energy work, quantum healing, sound healing and trained with masters and mentors from Asia, North America, South America and Central America.


I had the extrasensory abilities from an early age, practicing energy work and doing readings of various traditions as early as my school years.
But at certain point, I decided to lead a “normal” life with "normal" friends and "normal" work and chose a career in linguistics and, subsequently, in law.
While maintaining a successful corporate career, I was helping and counseling people of various backgrounds.
Throughout the years some of the most powerful and sacred places on Mother Earth, especially American Southwest, Peru, Bali, and Arctic, have become my anchors, guiding me and reminding me again and again to feel, to vibrate, to re-connect and to re-member the sacred knowledge.
With more people awakening and becoming consciously aware at a rapid pace, they are searching to re-connect with their soul families.

This is the time more than ever, for intuitive healers to step up, using our skills and knowledge world to assist other fellow beings.
I would be honoured if I could be of help for you to connect with your True Self and learn about your gifts!
We raise each other up!

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